Table Top Banner Stand

Table Top Banner Stand

Table Top Banner Stand 11.5"x17.5"

Our new Mini Retractable Banner Stand or Table Top Banner Stand is a fantastic option for those that are looking to add a Wow! factor to POP signage. It's a miniature version of our popular Deluxe Banner Stand and displays an A3 sized graphic that can be retracted for safe keeping or travel. The hardware has a silver body construction and chrome endcaps.

Required Graphic Size is 11.5" x 17.5" (The bottom 1.5" of the graphic is considered bleed as it may remain inside the hardware when the retractable is displayed)


  • Portable and light weight
  • Can be set up and and taken down in seconds
  • High resolution custom printed graphics

The size of table top retractable banners allows for placement in carry on luggage or in checked baggage.

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